
Pause for poetry:
Michael Hawkes /15

Coffee Coloured Days

A poem by Michael Hawkes

The pure color of coffee
in an alabaster cup
increases my delight
every time I tip it up.

The deep flavour and aroma
are essences of soul
without that morning inhalation
I’d be somehow less than whole.

With a chemical imbalance
with a vacancy to fill
a need of massive consolation
unmet by any drug or pill.

It’s an edifying habit
well deserving of my praise
since the sepia sweetened nectar
tints the color of my days.

13/06/20 – Hawkes

Poetry Reading Via Zoom

Centre des Arts de Stanstead logo - WestmountMag.caOn Saturday, November 28 at 2 pm, Le Centre des Arts de Stanstead presents a one-hour poetry reading via Zoom featuring renowned poets Louise Dupré and Rodney Saint-Éloi, and animated by Sonia Patenaude.

Everyone is invited to join the two poets on Zoom by visiting the Facebook page of Le Centre des arts de Stanstead where they will find the link to participate. For more information, contact Sonia Patenaude at 

Feature image: Jake Buonemani on Unsplash

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Michael Hawkes -

Michael Hawkes is an 80-year-old survivor of all the world’s wars. He learned (and loved to rhyme) by torturing the hymns he had to sing at school. A retired West Coast fisherman living in Montreal since 2013, he is an unschooled Grandpa Moses writing an average of five poems every week.

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