Territoires des Amériques
presented at the SAT

An immersive film on the 60 years of practice of multidisciplinary artist René Derouin

November 11, 2021

hubblo, the Society for Arts and Technology (SAT) and the Rencontres internationales du documentaire de Montréal (RIDM) are pleased to announce that Territoires des Amériques, a 360 film (Fulldome) directed by Patrick Bossé on the work of René Derouin is being presented at SAT until December 4, 2021.

Territoires des Amériques revisits sixty years of practice by multidisciplinary artist René Derouin.

Territoires des Amériques revisits sixty years of practice by multidisciplinary artist René Derouin. In the manner of an artistic and virtual travel diary, this immersive film follows René Derouin on the road to the pivotal places of his journey and his inspirations from Quebec to Mexico. In the course of this documentary, the artist reveals the intimate links between his approach and his quest for identity through the creation of an original large circular work, in perfect harmony with the form of the film.

Territoires des Amériques

Directed by Patrick Bossé and produced by Pascal Pelletier, Territoires des Amériques is now presented in the Satosphère, the dome of the SAT, as part of the 24th edition of the RIDM.

It is the first work distributed by hubblo, the first Canadian company dedicated to the distribution and broadcasting of 360 content (Fulldome), immersive installations, interactive experiences, and virtual and augmented reality.

About the RIDM

The first festival in Quebec entirely dedicated to documentary film, the Rencontres internationales du documentaire de Montréal (RIDM) offers the public the best of real cinema by bringing together great filmmakers and new talent to discover.

Territoires des Amériques

About the Society for Arts and Technology [SAT]

Founded in 1996, the Society for Arts and Technology [SAT] is a non-profit organization dedicated to the development of digital culture, combining within its walls the activities of a creation center, a research laboratory, a diffusion space and a training center.

Territoires des Amériques

About hubblo

Founded by Pascal Pelletier and Jean-Philippe Turgeon, Hubblo is the first Canadian company dedicated to the broadcast and distribution of immersive 360 content (Fulldome), immersive installations, interactive experiences, and virtual and augmented reality. With the acquisition of mobile domes, Hubblo offers turnkey immersive broadcast system solutions to both producers and venues. Combined with easy-to-use technologies, Hubblo aims to bring more and more immersive content to a wider audience by physically reaching out to them in Canada and internationally.

Territoires des Amériques
An immersive film by Patrick Bossé
presented at SAT until December 4, 2021

Society for Arts and Technology
1201 Saint-Laurent Boulevard

Feature image courtesy of Society for Arts and TechnologyBouton S'inscrire à l'infolettre –

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