
Diggers explores tensions
of black grave diggers

The Black Theatre Workshop mounts the play’s world premiere at Segal Studio

By Byron Toben

February 15, 2024

The Black Theatre Workshop, guesting at the Segal Studio, has mounted the world premiere of Diggers, a riveting story describing the trials and tribulations of black Canadians whose only widespread job opportunity, if they could not secure a job as a railroad porter, was as a grave digger.

Playwright Donna Michele St. Bernard envisions three such men – veterans Abdul (Chance Jones), Solomon (Christian Paul) and Solomon’s novice nephew, Bai (Jahlani-Gilbert Knorren). They are visited periodically by town counsellor Sheila (Warona Sashwaelo), who brings them foodstuffs and news from the city council about dissent over the diggers’ remuneration.


Bai feels that his is only a temporary job but tries to keep up with the others.

The diggers sometimes use dance moves to balance the tedious boredom of breaking rock and moving mud while pondering the death that awaits humanity, including even themselves, someday. Shovels are their prized possessions, much like hockey players and their sticks. Tears, some laughs and even some song snatches enrich the narrative.

… a riveting story describing the trials and tribulations of black Canadians whose only widespread job opportunity, if they could not secure a job as a railroad porter, was as a grave digger.

The play is timely in Montreal, considering the recent Mount Royal cemetery strike.

The production is a joint venture with Prairie Theatre Exchange of Winnipeg, where it be staged beginning February 27.

Diggers continues in Montreal until February 17.


Images: Andrée Lanthier

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Byron Toben, a past president of The Montreal Press Club, has been WestmountMag.ca’s theatre reviewer since July 2015. Previously, he wrote for since terminated websites Rover Arts and Charlebois Post, print weekly The Downtowner, and print monthly The Senior Times. He also is an expert consultant on U.S. work permits for Canadians.

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