
Jewish comics at
Just For Laughs

A pick of the top Jewish comics at Montreal’s comedy festival

By Byron Toben

Howie Mandel -

Howie Mandel

Thanks for the feedback on my list of a half dozen of the many Irish comics. Here is a list of seven of the many Jewish comics presented. Like the Irish, they have a built in core audience in addition to the general public.

In the early days of radio and TV, Jewish comics were big stars… remember Jack Benny, George Burns, Milton Berle and my own favourite, Sid Caesar? Those were the days, my friend, but they DID end and now a new host has risen:

Howie Mandel: All Star Comedy Gala

Montréal’s own Howie Mandel, who made his name in the USA and has appeared four times at earlier JFLs, is especially important this year. He is the Canadian face of a new ownership group, mostly US based, of the festival following the sale by Gilbert Rozon after sexual abuse allegations.

Judah Friedlander -

Judah Friedlander

Mr Mandel appears as the host of one of the galas at the Place des Arts on July 29.

Judah Friedlander: America Still Number One

Friedlander, he of many hats designed by himself, has appeared in many films and recently featured in the TV series 30 Rock. He also claims to be a judo expert with “an extra dark” black belt.

Mr Friedlander appears at Cafe Cleopatra July 26-28.

Gary Gulman -

Gary Gulman

Gary Gulman

This tall (6’6’’) “Boyish Man” played college football before emerging as a comic and frequent guest on late night shows. He likes to talk with inanimate objects. All he wants for Chanukah is Christmas, sez he.

Mr Gulman appears at La Chapelle on July 25-27

Eliot Glazer: Haunting Renditions (bad songs made good)

This show is based on his series of the same name. A double threat, he not only performs, but is the executive story editor of popular series New Girl.

Eliot Glaser -

Eliot Glaser

Mr Glazer appears at the Montreal Improv Theatre on July 28

Alex Edelman: Just For Us

What do you do to keep up with your father (a notable biochemist) and your brother (an Olympics sportsman)? Well, you can be a big hit at the Edinburgh fringe, generating TV work in England to enhance your comedy career.

Mr Edelman appears at the Montreal Improv Theatre B July 24-27

Scott Rogowsky -

Scott Rogowsky

Scott Rogowsky: Running Late

The popular host of HQ TRIVIA shares four background commonalities with me, no trivial matter that.

Mr Rowgowsky appears at the Mainline July 25-26

Moshe Kasher: Live

Hard to resist a stand up whose auto bio is entitled Kasher in the Rye. Frequent guest on late night shows. He is also an expert in sign language.

Moshe Kasher -

Moshe Kasher

Mr Kasher appears at the Gesu July 26-28

Visit for further info and tickets.

Feature image: Alex Edelman
All images: courtesy Just For Laughs

Bouton S'inscrire à l'infolettre – WestmountMag.caRead also: Irish shows at Just For Laughs

Byron Toben is the immediate past-president of the Montreal Press Club.

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