
A family’s conservation
dream is realized

The Krieg farm is now part of an important protected area thanks to a collaboration with the NCC

The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) has announced the protection of 100 hectares (247 acres) on the southern flank of the Sutton Mountains, in the Eastern Townships. Thanks to the Krieg family, who donated a portion of the value of their land to the charitable organization, this regionally significant natural gem will be conserved for the long term.

The Au Diable Vert outdoor centre has also acquired land adjacent to the new NCC property. Together, these acquisitions help consolidate an important network of walking trails that cross the properties of both organizations and demonstrate that, through an innovative partnership, it is possible to combine conservation and recreational activities.

Krieg family farm -

The Krieg family farm – Image: source unknown

A haven of biodiversity

The property, known as the Green Mountains – August and Linda Krieg family section, is part of a vast ecological corridor connecting the Green Mountains Nature Reserve to the Missisquoi North River. Its mature forests, which include maple groves over 80 years old, are home to the Eastern Wood-Pewee, a small bird designated as being of special concern under the Canadian Species at Risk Act (SARA).

The two streams originating in this natural environment also provide prime habitat for the Spring Salamander, designated as vulnerable under the Quebec Act Respecting Threatened or Vulnerable Species (ARTVS), and threatened under SARA, with both status applicable as well as for the Northern Dusky Salamander.

Eastern Wood-Pewee -

Bicknell’s Thrush – Image: Serge Beaudette

Protecting 70 years of history

The land acquired by NCC, which is located in Glen Sutton, has been in the possession of the Krieg family for several decades. Purchased by August Krieg in the 1950s, the family farm is where his children Regina, Rosemary, Henry, Linda and Sylvia grew up. As they recount, “We have memories of a happy childhood, of regular gatherings of the children and grandchildren, and of a peaceful retirement for our parents, August and Linda.”

As early as the 1950s, August and Linda expressed a wish to see this family estate protected for the long term. After they passed away, it was through Au Diable Vert that their children approached NCC for this purpose. Through their generous donation to the conservation organization, August and Linda’s children are realizing their parents’ forward-thinking vision.

“It is an environment of great ecological value, but it also holds another kind of wealth. Conserving it allows us to keep alive the memory of people who had a great respect for nature, a deep attachment to their land and a desire to protect it, share its benefits and enhance it. NCC is proud to help conserve this regional and family heritage.”

– Cynthia Patry, NCC project manager for the Northern Green Mountains

Spring Salamander -

Spring Salamander – Image: Nature Conservancy of Canada

Joining forces to conserve a Quebec treasure

The Northern Green Mountains, which connect Vermont with Mont-Orford, are a key site for biodiversity and outdoor activities. NCC and Appalachian Corridor, whose mission is the conservation of the Appalachians of southern Quebec, as well as their partners, have been working for several years to protect and enhance the Quebec portion of this mountain range.

Area residents are also actively contributing to the protection of this precious natural and cultural heritage jewel. Several of them have organized fundraising events over the years. Their involvement is essential since it is these private contributions that enable conservation organizations to access public funds allocated to the protection of natural environments.

Some facts

  • The property is located in the North Missisquoi Valley, home to one of Quebec’s largest populations of Wood Turtles, a species designated as vulnerable under ARTVS and threatened under SARA. The property is within the range used by the species.
  • Preserving ecological corridors (forest or aquatic passages that link natural environments together) helps avoid the disappearance of species. This prevents animals and plants from being isolated from their natural habitat due to human infrastructure, for example.
  • The hiking trails that cross the NCC and Au Diable Vert properties offer the public the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of nature. The trails are managed by Au Diable Vert and Les Sentiers de l’Estrie.
Green Mountains Nature Reserve - Sutton Sector -

Green Mountains Nature Reserve – Sutton Sector – Image: Claude Côté


This project was made possible thanks to the contribution of several partners. NCC thanks the family of August and Linda Krieg for their generosity. The conservation of this property was also enabled through financial support from the Government of Canada, through the Natural Heritage Conservation Program (NHCP) funded by the Nature Fund of Canada, the Ensemble pour la nature project of Quebec’s Ministère de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, Sweet Water Trust and CGI.

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The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) is Canada’s leading not-for-profit private land conservation organization, working to protect our most important natural areas and the species they sustain. Since 1962, NCC has helped to protect 14 million hectares (35 million acres), coast to coast to coast, including 48,000 hectares (188,600 acres) in Quebec.

To learn more, visit

Feature image: Bobcat by Gary KramerBouton S'inscrire à l'infolettre –

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There are 3 comments

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  1. joan sargent

    This is wonderful news. We have trails and properties linking up in our area of the lower Laurentians and it is due to the tireless work of one person with help from dedicated volunteers supporting her.

  2. Georges R. Dupras

    These initiatives are always encouraging and I admire those who invest in them so that we can all benefit.

    The Nature Conservancy is one of the best of it’s kind.

  3. Frank

    Hello there inthe west!
    I am writing this text because I lost contact to the Krieg family. Congratulations to
    your decision of donating land towards the NCC…It feels OK for me.
    But I should have visited my “Aunt” Linda a few years back in the past.
    Now, I am writing this from Germany.
    To the Krieg family: Please contact me by using my old Email-Adr !!

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