Rebel Daughter, a fitting finale to Dawson theatre program’s winter season. By Byron Toben
Rebel Daughter, a fitting finale to Dawson theatre program’s winter season. By Byron Toben
(more) Propositions for the AIDS Museum assembles a stellar cast. By Luc Archambault
D² presents its version of the Pulitzer and Tony award winning play. By Byron Toben
How to Disappear Completely blends sadness with humour. By Byron Toben
Musical play works well in one night concert version. By Byron Toben
Do some performances go too far into abstract conceptuality? By Luc Archambault
A musical on the legendary encounter of some of rock music’s greatest performers. By Byron Toben
Can the sequel of this classic meet our expectations?
By Luc Archambault
Jewish and Palestinian playwrights come together in groundbreaking anthology. By Luc Archambault
South Park creators’ musical still a hit the third time around. By Byron Toben
A spectacular OSM homage to the great Belgian chansonnier. By Byron Toben
A double musical explosion at Place des Arts. By Luc Archambault
An awkward Hollywood version of a classic Japanese manga. By Luc Archambault
Another dive into the crucible of creativity at Tangente. By Luc Archambault
Jesus Christ Superband a blast in its third reincarnation. By Byron Toben
Play a superb choice to cap Centaur’s 48th season.
By Byron Toben
Not A Real Theatre chooses a biting Neil Labute script.
By Byron Toben
Théâtre Ste-Catherine hosts another monthly improv comedy skit series. By Byron Toben
Three highly inventive choreographies combined in one great show. By Luc Archambault
Lorena Gale’s play finally gets the Canadian production it deserves. By Byron Toben
Local students show off their literary stuff
in the 2016 McEntyre Writing Competition
Ensuring this great dancer’s creative heritage.
By Luc Archambault
Dana Michel’s performance at l’Usine C sets itself apart.
By Luc Archambault
You Will Remember Me eloquently deals with Alzheimer’s.
By Byron Toben