The MWFF goes on thanks to a last minute rescue.
By Byron Toben
ArticlesA movie midway between a blockbuster and a biblical epic. By Luc Archambault
Montreal is home to some of the biggest and most successful festivals. By Patricia Dumais
Get Out versus I Am Not Your Negro: a devolution in the imagery of Afro-Americans in modern storytelling. By Luc Archambault
This sixth part of the franchise closes the loop between Prometheus and Alien. By Luc Archambault
Can the sequel of this classic meet our expectations?
By Luc Archambault
An awkward Hollywood version of a classic Japanese manga. By Luc Archambault
Another redundant Hollywood remake.
By Luc Archambault
A movie by director Gore Verbinski. By Luc Archambault
A perfect flick for a Valentine’s Day romance? By Luc Archambault
Does revolt lead invariably to revolution? By Luc Archambault
A story where plural takes on all its meaning. By Luc Archambault