Play is based on the Dorothy Parker short story
A Telephone Call. By Byron Toben
Art | Culture
ArticlesThe 10th Classica Festival will be held under
the theme From Wolfgang to Amadeus
A review of New York Red Bull Theater’s production of Sejanus, His Fall.
By Byron Toben
Presenting a new episode of the web series for seniors We’re All In This Together
Streaming events from the resilient theatre communities
of Montreal and New York. By Byron Toben
Geordie Theatre’s Virginia Wolf and New York Bedlam Theater’s Anna Karenina. By Byron Toben
A strong stage presence and a perfectly mastered performance. By Luc Archambault
That is the question the 14th-century nobleman
asked of himself. By Irwin Rapoport
Some excellent shows to catch
before they are over! By Byron Toben
Concerts “Camille Claudel : dans l’ombre du géant” and “Escales : un piano autour du monde”. By Luc Archambault
A review of Blue Met, Dramatis Personae’s latest, NYC theatre gems and more Kitty Calling. By Byron Toben