Two talented offspring of jazz greats take the stage at jazz fest. By Byron Toben
Art | Culture
ArticlesMontreal is home to some of the biggest and most successful festivals. By Patricia Dumais
The Concordia professor delivers a fascinating lecture on the seminal James Joyce novel. By Byron Toben
The Secret Garden Tour offers the opportunity to explore exceptional Westmount gardens. By Patricia Dumais
The annual arts and culture festival offers activities for all ages. By Barbara Ford
The Lyric Theatre Singers’ latest show featured the music of the legendary Jule Styne. By Byron Toben
Six more St-Ambroise Montreal Fringe Festival reviews… and regrets. By Byron Toben
Reviews of three Frankie Award nominated Fringe plays. By Julia Ainsworth
An exceptional exhibition at La Guilde inaugurates the 2017 Montreal First Peoples Festival. By Jean-François Brucel
The 5th Edition of the Mixed Arts Festival.
By Luc Archambault
This year’s crop is rich and varied. By Luc Archambault
Irish culture at its best through James Joyce, right here and now, until June 16. By Luc Archambault