Thirty captivating, luminous works to discover in public spaces. Via v2com
Public Art
ArticlesThe vibrant multimedia event celebrates its 10th year. By Faith Langston
Theatre, film, murals and street festivals close out the month. By Byron Toben
From the mountain to the river, explore over a
hundred must-see spots in the heart of the city!
The activities, guided tours, mediations,
round tables and artist meetings are cancelled
55 local and international artists will take part in this essential cultural event of the winter season
Montreal artist Pascale Girardin’s monumental
sculpture in downtown Montreal. Via v2com
Let yourself be swept away by a fable in the purest
Chinese tradition. Photos By James St Laurent
Caroline Monnet’s work is a conceptual exploration of the marks left on the Montreal landscape over the years
A friendly tour to learn more about the innovative
works and see the Quartier in a different light
Discover another way of experiencing the city
to the rhythm of unique artistic discoveries.
Via v2com
Experience a new narrative genre,
an artistic and technological innovation