Company Co-Artistic Director Ann Lambert
speaks about the theatre company and its goals.
By Irwin Rapoport
Review | Critique
ArticlesThis is the last week to dive into theatrical universes
from here and elsewhere. By Jacqueline van de Geer
Veteran playwright Norman Nawrocki speaks about his
play and passion for the theatre. By Irwin Rapoport
Crazy quilts, mechanical line-ups and a tribute
to exceptional men. By Jacqueline van de Geer
Altamira 2042 and Holoscenes at the FTA, and
OFFTA’s Invisible. By Jacqueline van de Geer
A review of Tamara Nazywalskyj’s new book of poetry
published by Cactus Press. By Paul Serralheiro
A touching solo performance that combines video,
live music and storytelling. By Jacqueline van de Geer
An interdisciplinary project that broadens the
boundaries of dance. By Faith Langston
For those who care about the environment or
enjoy excellent theatre. By Irwin Rapoport
Cédric Delorme-Bouchard’s experimental adaptation is enthralling and a tour de force.
By Jacqueline van de Geer
Reviews of two recent live performances
at the Centaur. By Faith Langston
Review of Willow Loveday Little’s first book of poetry, Xenia.
By Jerome Ramcharitar