The effect of the pandemic on sales of multi-unit apartment buildings.
By Joseph Marovitch
Article | Real Estate
ArticlesThe timing between selling your last home
and taking possession of your next home.
By Joseph Marovitch
Why a real estate broker you are not contracted
with rarely bring buyers to your house for sale.
By Joseph Marovitch
How shopping with a broker compares to shopping without a broker. By Joseph Marovitch
Why do many brokers leave the selling of the property to someone who does not fully know the property?
By Joseph Marovitch
How dealing with real estate professionals
compares to dealing with discount firms.
By Joseph Marovitch
The notary’s role and responsibilities in residential
real estate transactions. By Joseph Marovitch
A season with wonderful qualities to capitalize on
if you are planning to sell. By Joseph Marovitch
Special circumstances due to COVID-19 make this
the ideal time to sell a property. By Joseph Marovitch
Why it should be up-to-date upon the property
entering the market. By Joseph Marovitch
Where will the demand for housing be next?
By Joseph Marovitch
How to price your property to maximize gain.
By Joseph Marovitch