Insist on price and terms prior to due diligence.
By Joseph Marovitch
Article | Real Estate
ArticlesMeasuring the progress of your broker’s
real estate marketing campaign.
By Joseph Marovitch
Are open houses and advertisements effective
in attracting buyers? By Joseph Marovitch
We are still in a difficult market with rising interest rates and inflation. By Joseph Marovitch
The better a home shows, the quicker it will sell.
By Joseph Marovitch
The Seller’s Declaration must indicate the condition
of a property to the best of the seller’s knowledge.
By Joseph Marovitch
The factors in negotiating commercial retail space.
By Joseph Marovitch
The ins and outs of selling your property.
By Joseph Marovitch
The prohibition on the purchase of residential property by non-Canadians and the exceptions.
By Joseph Marovitch
The pros and cons of buying or selling with
or without warranty. By Joseph Marovitch
A property may offer surprises that can cost
a great deal of money. By Joseph Marovitch
The importance of having your financing in place when you make an offer to buy. By Joseph Marovitch