Client question – What strategy is best when
pricing for selling? By Joseph Marovitch
Article | Real Estate
ArticlesBoth landlord and renter have the obligation to follow the terms of the lease. By Joseph Marovitch
Two possibilities that take advantage of
low interest rates. By Joseph Marovitch
Changing the rules to allow open bidding
is not a good idea. By Joseph Marovitch
Tips and strategies for buyers in this extraordinary seller’s market.
By Joseph Marovitch
This summer we all thought we were out of the woods as vaccines arrived. By Joseph Marovitch
Avoidable and unavoidable factors now affecting the real-estate market. By Joseph Marovitch
The situation has changed since COVID restrictions
have been lifted. By Joseph Marovitch
In response to the Financial Post article
“How to sell without a broker”. By Joseph Marovitch
Pricing strategy for the September market post-pandemic. By Joseph Marovitch
The smell of cannabis can be a deterrent to a sale.
By Joseph Marovitch
The situation will become worse before it
gets better but there is an upside ahead.
By Joseph Marovitch