
Improve your communication
with speechreading

CHIP program helps the hard of hearing overcome the challenges they may face

CHIP/CAPA is a not-for-profit organization celebrating its 40th year of providing programs and services to English speakers affected by hearing loss. CHIP is a place where members can get support with the challenges they may face and be part of a community that understands.

CHIP/CAPA 40 logo - Westmoumntmag.caCHIP’s office is in NDG, but its services extend all over Montreal and the West Island. CHIP’s Outreach program works to educate the general public about signs of hearing loss, pathways to services, and communication strategies. CHIP’s HEAR-ENTENDRE program delivers interactive presentations about noise-induced hearing loss to children.

The long-running Speechreading Program begins its spring session on March 18. With the start of this new session, CHIP invites you to learn about the program from one if its very talented and knowledgeable instructors, Eva Basch.

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Speechreading and lipreading

By Eva Basch

It’s not easy to have a hearing loss. Some words are hard to hear or see, or they may look or sound like other words. Sometimes you may catch little bits of what people are saying, but miss the gist of the conversation. No wonder you may find yourself struggling to understand what’s being said!

Speechreading classes, offered by CHIP, can help you learn strategies and techniques that will enhance your interactions, improve your communication and increase your self-esteem.

Do you:

  • Have or suspect you may have a hearing loss?
  • Have trouble hearing with a noisy background?
  • Find yourself asking people to repeat themselves?
  • Sometimes misunderstand what others are saying and respond inappropriately?
  • Find that people don’t speak as clearly as they used to?
  • Find it more stressful to attend parties, go to restaurants, or get together with friends because you’re missing some or most of what is being said?
  • Have a friend or family member with a hearing loss?

If you answered “yes” to one or more of the above questions, then speechreading classes are just the thing to help improve your communication!

Speechreading classes, offered by CHIP, can help you learn strategies and techniques that will enhance your interactions, improve your communication and increase your self-esteem.

Speechreading classes can help you:

  • Understand spoken communication better by learning how to use visual cues
  • Find out why it’s not your fault if you misunderstand what is being said
  • Develop strategies for coping with difficult situations
  • Learn about the ear, the audiogram, and many other technical aspects of hearing loss
  • Familiarize yourself with the latest technology to help with hearing loss
  • Know how to navigate the system to get the services you need
  • Understand the impact of hearing loss on your daily life
  • Become more confident about advocating for your needs
  • Feel more comfortable in social situations
  • Become inspired by others who share your communication challenges
  • Share your hearing journey with others who have similar challenges and successes

And most of all:

  • Have fun in a congenial atmosphere with like-minded individuals

CHIP speechreading classes - WestmountMag.ca

Testimonials by speechreading students:

“I’ve lost some more hearing but I understand better.”
“The speechreading class has become a source of not only learning but healing.”

‘Nothing has helped my communication more than the combination of hearing aids and speechreading skills.’

“I’m not shy anymore to explain my needs.”
“I see that I am not alone with this predicament.”
“I love to socialize with others who have similar experiences as me.”


All the speechreading instructors at CHIP are accredited by the Canadian Hard of Hearing Association. CHIP believes that people with hearing losses are smart and brave and everyone is treated with kindness and respect.

It’s not easy to have a hearing loss; you have to work twice as hard as anyone else, and even so, you may often miss what is being said.

If a loved one has hearing loss, both of you may become frustrated, and that is also normal. But it doesn’t have to stay that way. You can learn strategies to improve communication on both sides.

‘Students keep coming back because there is always something new to learn, and they enjoy the camaraderie of interacting with people who understand.’

In the speechreading classes, students are regularly reminded that it’s not their fault when they misinterpret something, and they are shown why they didn’t “get it”. But most of all, the classes are fun. Students concentrate hard, but they also laugh a lot. Misunderstandings and miscommunications can be very funny, and it’s a relief to be able to laugh at your own mistakes together with others who share the same circumstances. Students keep coming back because there is always something new to learn, and they enjoy the camaraderie of interacting with people who understand.

Hearing loss may feel isolating, but you never have to be alone. You are welcome to join CHIP. You will be glad you did!

CHIP information

To register for classes, please complete the registration form and return it by mail, fax or e-mail to info@hearhear.org, or in person at the CHIP office, 7000 Sherbrooke W, Montreal, Quebec H4B 1R3. Registration forms are available at the CHIP office, or call for a copy to be sent by mail or electronically by email at 514 488-5552, local 4500.

You can also register directly online on CHIP’s website hearhear.org

Images: courtesy of CHIPBouton S'inscrire à l'infolettre – WestmountMag.ca

Eva Basch is a retired educational oral interpreter and has been teaching speechreading at CHIP for almost 20 years. She and her husband are the parents of two adults with profound hearing losses. Eva advocated for them and taught them to advocate for themselves as they got older. She continues to push for accessibility for all people with hearing loss.

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