Godot Has Come to Montreal
from Japan
What would happen if Samuel Beckett’s Godot actually turned up?
By Byron Toben
Ever since Samuel Beckett’s play, En Attendant Godot, written by him in French, appeared on the stage in 1953, it has been the subject of much mystification and speculation.
Who was the mysterious Godot, who never appears in the play?
Why are the two tramps, Vladimir and Estrogan, waiting for him?
And why the interspersal of the bullying Pozzo and his slave Lucky?
Interpretations ranged from things Political to Freudian, Jungian, Existential, Ethical, Christian to auto biographical and sexual. This was intensified after Beckett himself translated it into English (the first known example and maybe still the only one of a playwright doing so) for a London production in 1955.
This 90-minute delight is a must for Beckett or theatre of the absurd fans and a unique novelty for others.
Finally, through the efforts of Montréal’s own Infinitheatre, the over theorized Mr. Godot appears on stage in a heralded Japanese show entitled simply Godot Has Come.
The Japanese troupe Theatre Office Natori, directed by K. Kiyama with a script from Minoru Betsuyaku also adds four women to the cast. They are designated simply as Woman, 1, 2, 3 and 4.
There are English and French supertitles above.
One running joke is that even though Mr. Godot (Yuga Yoshino) finally arrives, others do not recognize him and even mis-hear his name as Gogo or Google.
This 90-minute delight is a must for Beckett or theatre of the absurd fans and a unique novelty for others.
Also, a chance to check out Infinitheatre’s new NDG home in a converted church after a nomadic existence since the Bain St-Michel, the empty Royal Vic and upper rooms at the Rialto.
Godot Has Come/Voilà Godot continues at Espace Knox, 6215 Godfrey (corner Grand) until December 2.
514 987-1774 ext. 104
Images: Kazuyuki Matsumoto
Read also: Vic and Flo Saw a Bear a horror love story
Byron Toben is the immediate past-president of the Montreal Press Club.
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