
IFPSP promotes peace,
security and prosperity

An invitation is extended to all to join the discussion on how lasting peace is achieved

March 23, 2022

The International Forum for Peace, Security & Prosperity (IFPSP) brings together high school students, officer cadets from military academies, civilian university students along with academics, policymakers and community leaders, to explore how peace is really made and kept, such that free, secure and prosperous societies may thrive.

The third Annual Forum is being held in Piazza Armerina, Sicily, and will be broadcast online on the morning of March 28 and 29. Eighty years ago this year, following the allied invasion of Sicily in 1943, Sicilian society benefitted from the first allied attempt at re-establishing peace in a war-torn country. Lessons learned in Sicily then are very valuable today.

The third Annual Forum is being held in Piazza Armerina, Sicily, and will be broadcast online on the morning of March 28 and 29.

The theme of this year’s IFPSP is Countering Disinformation. This highly relevant topic has attracted hundreds of high school students who have submitted essays or videos to share their views on the destructive nature of disinformation in contemporary democracies. Two Canadian submissions are among the six finalists.

The Assistant Secretary General of the UN Peacebuilding Support Office, Ms. Elizabeth Spehar, opens this year’s Forum. Over 40 colleges and universities from around the world are participating, and over 500 participants are expected on-site, with another 2,000 participating remotely.

Why this, and why now? The world needs more peace now. More positive peace. Our world is moving very quickly for our youth. They are bombarded with as much as six times the information their grandparents would have experienced in their youth. Sharp as our youth are, we must help them develop a very good understanding of the perils facing our democracy deluged by disinformation and misinformation. This complex threat to free societies requires our attention.

‘Sharp as our youth are, we must help them develop a very good understanding of the perils facing our democracy deluged by disinformation and misinformation.’

Please consider visiting the Forum site, and if you can spare even just 30 minutes, join online at Registration is free and allows you to listen to our young people discuss the dangers of the world and express their hopes and proposals for continued peace.

It is hard to think about our world on the brink of war. What can we do? Well, this is something. Help make a difference by telling these young people that their opinions matter. Join the Forum.

If you feel extra passionate about peace, invite a friend. Peace is worth it. For more information, visit

Feature image: frame from IFPSP promo video

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IFPSP logoThe International Forum for Peace, Security & Prosperity (IFPSP) is a not-for-profit civilian initiative by Montrealer Steve Gregory and his international team of volunteers. The IFPSP is partnered with the Institute for Economics and Peace, The Global Peace Institute and the Réseau de Réflexion Stratégique sur la Sécurité au Sahel.

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