Is Montreal (or the city
of your choice) burning?
Why Trump must be removed from office now!
By Byron Toben
Updated January 10, 2021
In light of the attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6, most Democrats, the Republican Party in Exile and even Big Business corporate groups are calling upon Trump to leave or be forced out of office ASAP.
Others say why bother as he will automatically be out of office at noon on January 20.
I have pointed out before that he is guided by the Hitler playbook – create a national news media, a national police force augmented by private militia, repeat the Big Lie (and many small) and stage big rallies. These tactics were all successful.
One that did not, but almost succeeded in his last desperate days, was the destruction of Paris.
I have pointed out before that he [Trump] is guided by the Hitler playbook – create a national news media, a national police force augmented by private militia, repeat the Big Lie (and many small) and stage big rallies. These tactics were all successful.
The 1965 bestseller book Is Paris Burning? was made into a film in 1966 and re-shown at Montréal’s Cinemania film festival a few years ago. Hitler’s plans to raze Paris came close to realization. Foiled only by chance and the intercession of the Swedish consul of the day, Paris was spared.
But what “fresh hell” might the now despondent Trump, sheltered in his Hitler-like bunker and armed with the nuclear bomb code, unleash? Would it be against Tehran? Caracas? Havana?
Could it be a last-minute declaration of martial law? The arrest of opponents?
Admittedly, these speculations seem far-fetched, but who knows? Get rid of him now!

The Trump “Stop The Steal Rally” took place just prior to the mob storming the Capitol – Image: Voice of America, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Fast breaking news
Since I drafted the above article on January 8 things have moved so rapidly that I am compelled to add the following, which bears out Victor Hugo’s observation that, “There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come”.
Developments in the resignations of Trump appointees
Betsy DeVos, Secretary of Education and Elaine Chao, Secretary of Transportation, have abruptly resigned, as well as five lesser-known appointees.
‘The Wall Street Journal has called for Trump to resign. Facebook and Instagram have banned his postings while still in office. Twitter has banned his postings permanently.’
Developments in mass media
The Wall Street Journal has called for Trump to resign. Facebook and Instagram have banned his postings while still in office. Twitter has banned his postings permanently.
Developments in the three means to rid Trump from office
Even some Republicans are calling for this. Highly unlikely.
Invoke the 25th Amendment
This requires initiation by Vice President Pence, who seems reluctant even though parts of the mob were calling for his execution. It also requires a majority of the cabinet.
There are 24 cabinet members, meaning 13 must agree. As five cabinet members are only “acting,” having not gone through Senate approval, some legal opinion is that they are ineligible for purposes of the 25th. If so, the above numbers might have to be adjusted so only ten would be needed.
Impeach again
Articles of Impeachment have already been drawn up and might be voted on as early as Tuesday. To convict, the new Senate would need 67 votes. It will have 50 Democrat Senators and four Republican likely on this issue and so would need to convince 13 of the remaining 46 Republican Senators to convict. A conviction would prevent Trump from holding Federal office again.
‘Nancy Pelosi felt compelled to call General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to seek advice on what internal safeguards exist against Trump launching a nuclear attack.’
Dangers of foreign governments taking advantage of U.S. disarray
China may feel it is an opportune time to invade Taiwan, for instance.
Nancy Pelosi felt compelled to call General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to seek advice on what internal safeguards exist against Trump launching a nuclear attack.
Dangers of a second pre-inauguration attack on the capitol
Calls for this to take place on January 17 are floating around on the increasing number of mini extremist web sites. Trump himself has stated he will not attend the inaugural on January 20. (Just as well?)
Feature image: Tyler Merbler, CC BY 2.0 – Wikimedia Commons
More articles from Byron Toben
Byron Toben, a past president of The Montreal Press Club, has been’s theatre reviewer since July 2015. Previously, he wrote for since terminated web sites Rover Arts and Charlebois Post, print weekly The Downtowner and print monthly The Senior Times. He also is an expert consultant on U.S. work permits for Canadians.
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