Pause For Poetry:
Michael Hawkes /22
This May Not Help
A poem by Michael Hawkes
It may not help to know you’re not alone;
That you’re one of many millions dangling by a phone
In seclusion, hiding, from hostile pheromones.
It may not help to know that you are one
Among the legions of the slave wage workers
Whose very livelihoods have gone.
It may not help to know that your politicians care,
With their fingers on the buttons that exacerbate despair,
That they’re on the up n’ up but only rarely fair and square.
It may not help to know that good people wish you well,
The ones assured of heaven, whose faith is like a veil,
Who offer prayer and scripture to support you in your cell.
It may not help to know that this shall also pass;
That many will survive, depending mostly on their class,
Though who succumbs, indeed, may die alone Alas!
It may not help if folks now fall for all the writings
On a wall where lies like icons still enthral,
And disregard the recent past.
18/02/21 – Hawkes
Two French-language poets to begin the month of March at the CAS
The Centre des arts de Stanstead is pleased to welcome French-language poets Martine Audet and François Turcot for an hour-long reading session of their work on Saturday, March 6 at 2 pm, with host Shelley Pomerance.
Everyone is invited to join the two poets on Zoom by visiting the Facebook page of the Centre des arts de Stanstead where they will find the link to participate. For more information, please contact Sharda Guptar at
Feature image: Andrea Piacquadio – PexelsOther poetry, essays and short stories
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