
Pause For Poetry:
Michael Hawkes /51

Backyard Buddha

A poem by Michael Hawkes

October 5,  2022

Our backyard Buddha,
although cast in concrete
is upset by the changeable weather of late.
Stuck out of doors,
with frosts and then thaws,
he’s now somewhat less than sedate.

Laid back now to lean on the fence,
his gaze which was modestly down
looks upwards and outwards and hence-
forwards may ‘morph’ to a frown.

Given all that he’s seen, he’s calm and serene,
although moss greens the tears on his gown.

24/3/20 –  Hawkes

Feature image: Jason LeungBouton S'inscrire à l'infolettre – WestmountMag.ca

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Michael Hawkes - WestmountMag.ca

Michael Hawkes is a survivor of all the world’s wars. He learned (and loved to rhyme) by torturing the hymns he had to sing at school. A retired West Coast fisherman living in Montreal since 2013, he is an unschooled Grandpa Moses writing an average of five poems every week.


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