Pause for poetry: Richard Orlando
To Mask or Not to Mask
A poem by Richard Orlando
Should you wear a face mask?
Why would you even ask?
Don’t be dense! It’s common sense!
(don’t tempt fate or providence).
Some of you masked indeed may feel
that maskwear’s not le beau ideal
Or feel arguably conspicuous,
or even vaguely ridiculous.
Alas the problem may be vanity,
the way rings through nostrils is insanity.
Or, like those with beards who know the feeling
of what we might in essence be concealing.
Perhaps a mask with some bright design
may be just the thing to make you shine.
But also remember that your eyes still have it,
because they too can smile, brighten and benefit.
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Read also: other poems
Richard Orlando has been a Westmounter since 2013, and lives a quiet life of retirement with his cat and companion Sola. Last year on May 31st he helped celebrate the 200th birthday of his favourite poet, Walt Whitman, at a group reading in the Westmount Library.
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