Is our Government elected to represent the
health interest of the people or that of industry?
By Georges R. Dupras
Tag Archives: Georges R. Dupras
Traditional and new age conservationists at odds.
By Georges R. Dupras
The laws in Canada regarding animal care haven’t changed in over a century. By Georges R. Dupras
Rationalizing the taking of a life is the first step in condoning violence and lessening the value of all life. By Georges R. Dupras
Rarely are the underlying costs of government job creation discussed. By Georges R. Dupras
Born free spirits, they died due to our indifference.
By Georges R. Dupras
Britt Wray does a masterful job in her new book published by Greystone books and reviewed by Georges R. Dupras
Canada’s animal protection laws do not meet today’s changing expectations. By Georges R. Dupras