Have you considered vegan and vegetarian
options for Passover? By Irwin Rapoport
Tag Archives: Irwin Rapoport
Playwright Alice Abracen and director Jessica Abdallah
discuss the play in a Q&A. By Irwin Rapoport
Fighter planes and helicopters are necessary
to protect from assaults on defensive lines.
By Irwin Rapoport and Hugo Barecca
An interview with playwright Jon Lachlan Stewart
and director Olivier Morin. By Irwin Rapoport
Recipes to warm you up, celebrate Valentine’s and the
Super Bowl. By Penny Arsenault and Irwin Rapoport
A moratorium on developing remaining wilderness and farmland can make a difference for Greater Montreal.
By Irwin Rapoport
Montreal journalist Mark Abley recounts his 1978
journey along the Hippie Trail. By Irwin Rapoport
A series of articles with recipes offering
alternatives to consuming meat and fish.
By Penny Arsenault and Irwin Rapoport
Teddy Bear Hospital is an initiative by students from
McGill’s Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
By Irwin Rapoport
Montrealers suggest recipes to establish new holiday culinary traditions. By Penny Arsenault and Irwin Rapoport
It’s a perfect time to read A Christmas Carol and
share the spirit of the season. By Irwin Rapoport
Film rings the alarm bell on the ongoing destruction
of the boreal forest in Canada. By Irwin Rapoport