South Park creators’ musical still a hit the third time around. By Byron Toben
Tag Archives: theatre
Play a superb choice to cap Centaur’s 48th season.
By Byron Toben
Not A Real Theatre chooses a biting Neil Labute script.
By Byron Toben
Lorena Gale’s play finally gets the Canadian production it deserves. By Byron Toben
Bakersfield Mist uses art appraisal issues to generate great acting. By Byron Toben
Intractable Woman lives on Montreal stage.
By Byron Toben
Play heralds something new
in local indie theatre. By Byron Toben
The FTA unveils its new preliminary programme. By Luc Archambault
Theatre Festival’s 20th edition
features diverse selections.
By Byron Toben
Tony winning musical at PDA boots it out of the park.
By Byron Toben
Hair at the Mainline Theatre revives the Age of Aquarius. By Byron Toben
META Awards 2015-2016 season
breaks new ground. By Byron Toben